Search Results For : acl

Anterior Cruciate Ligament of my leg

Some of my friends should realised that I have not been my normal self lately. I am not as active. I am not as “noisy” and most obviously, I am walking very slowly now. What happened was that I tore my ACL and partial tear my MCL ( Medial Collateral Ligament ) during on of my wushu training 2 weeks ago. ( Although I believe I have tore it 3 months ago but the polyclinic doctor said I was fine when I went for the checking then. I have problem with my knee’ stability then. )

I went for a x-ray and MRI scanning.

I have been working like 84 hours/week on school related stuff. It gets me really tired now. Need to “chiong” and study more.

I need to go for an operation soon.