While I am trying very hard to backup some other stuffs from my ftp to my localdisk before the move to another host, i tried to upgrade my wordpress blog to 3.0 and I gotten this error…
Call to a member function add_rewrite_tag() on a non-object in…
Did a quick research and they ask me to deactivate my plugin which i did. ( Link here ) and here we go, it works… now I have to figure out, which plugin causes the problem before I continue.
Seems like moving hosting is not as easy as i think. During school today, I looked through my hosting and wanted to delete those files which I no longer need but because my root domains died and hence i cant properly see what is inside anymore. Seems like I have alot to move…
Seems like over the course of next 3 weeks, I will be starting to move a few hosting to a new host with ASP.NET capability. Including this blog but first I need to clear all my stuffs from the hosting.. alot of things!
Busy Busy… I am starting to enjoy this!
I am also excited about upcoming stuffs! Woohoo!
I was browsing on Digitalpoint one day when I see this plugin being sold by goscript. This plugin basically rewrite the content on your wordpress blog. It substitute words being entered into a post with another word making the article you input an unique article that no other people have it. I have yet to try this plugin after I bought it but all the reviews I read was pretty good and also Search Engine like unique content. This plugin is the way to go if you want free unique content that is copyscape passed.
Quoted from the website:
Rewriting it’s made through a built in engine. Some well thought rewriting rules and a thesaurus database of more than 40000 words,
provide the state of the art rewriting engine.
Do not rewrite specific posts
Need some posts not to be rewritten? You may want not to rewrite pages that you have hardly handwritten or the about page for example.
It’s easy to do this. Just post thetag into your posts and they will be ignored by the rewriter.
Are you using any Auto RSS Importers or content generators on your blogs ?
If you do, than you don’t have to worry that they won’t work because of the WordPress Rewriter. They will work with no problem and they will get rewritten on the fly too.