Search Results For : windows phone 7

Windows Phone 7 – Textbox On Focus Color

Was browsing around Stackoverflow and saw a question that someone asked, (WP7DEV) Textbox background changes when typing

Thought it will be useful for someone who needs it.

By default, a textbox on Windows Phone 7 will look at the one you see in the screenshot on the left, below, but when you were to focus on it, it will turn into slightly white-ish, as seen on the right.

Some of the scenarios for your development do not allow that and requires them to be the same. Written this quick guide in case someone needs it.

1. Attach a GotFocus event handler to the textbox you want to have the effect on.
2. Add this code in the method.

textBox2.Background = (SolidColorBrush)Resources[“PhoneTextBoxBrush”];
textBox2.BorderBrush = (SolidColorBrush)Resources[“PhoneTextBoxBrush”];

*Please remember to change textBox2 to the correct id of the textbox that you want the effect on.

For those of you who are curious where I get the Resources from, you can view a list of the available resources here :

You can download the solution here too:!2793&authkey=!ACBRpIRyDopM5Lo

Using Toggle Control to disable/enable idle detection – Windows Phone 7

Saw a question on Dream Build Launch on how can one use toggle control to disable / enable idle detection and from there, enable/disable it idle detection accordingly.

I believe he needed it in his setting page. Did up a quick demo.
















1. I used the toggle control from the silverlight toolkit for Windows Phone on codeplex (Can be found here : for the toggle control.

2. Do read this msdn article for

Things I did
1. Added the toggle controls in the toolkit into Visual Studio (if you have yet to do so)
2. Pull in the toggle controls and attached the checked event handler onto the control.
3. Add the following code (I included the method signature here).

private void toggleSwitch1_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

if (toggleSwitch1.IsChecked == true)
PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled;
PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Enabled;

You can download the demo file here :!2752&authkey=!AOBimFuXpsh6oog

BingMapsDirectionsTask – Getting driving / walking directions

I was revisiting my old projects and reflecting on how I could improve on those products. I didn’t realised that there are so much we can do with the new Windows Phone APIs! I was looking at the MSDN’s Microsoft.Phone.Tasks Namespace and found out that there is a Bing Maps Direction Task Class now!

The first thing I thought of was the Green App project which I did during codeXtremeApps 2010 Its a Windows Phone 7 project where we direct our users to the nearest recyling bin around Singapore for them to recyle their waste product. There are more functions which I will not elaborate on here. I will be updating my project/portfolio page soon! I was playing with the Bing Maps Direction Task API just this afternoon. Thought it will be useful to post a tutorial on how to use it. 🙂 Should you face with any problems, feel free to contact me via the Contact Me form or email me at [email protected]

Step 1 : Adding using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks and using System.Device.Location into references.

Bing Maps Directions Task 1 - Adding Reference

Bing Maps Directions Task 2 - Adding namespace

Step 2 :  Adding the Microsoft.Phone.Tasks and System.Device.Location into the project

Bing Maps Directions Task 3 - Adding namespace

Step 3 : Initialize a BingMapsDirectionsTask and create a start and end LabeledMapLocation . Note that start is optional. Should you not provide start location, the API will use the current location by default.

At the end of it, .Show() it and it will show the map.

BingMapsDirectionsTask Direction = new BingMapsDirectionsTask();

LabeledMapLocation start = new LabeledMapLocation(“Hougang Ave 4 919 Singapore , Singapore”, null);
LabeledMapLocation end = new LabeledMapLocation(“Paya Lebar Air Base, Singapore”, null);

Direction.Start = start;
Direction.End = end;


You can download a usage demostration of the class here. Source code included.

Please note that this is written for WP7.1

Bing Map Direction Task Demo Source Code Screenshot

Bing Map Direction Task Demo Source Code Screenshot

P.S: These 2 classes caught my attention, when I have some spare time, I will look into if I will be able to use it in my Slime Sweeper 2! ShareLinkTask class and Share Status Task Class!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the contact form, comment or email me at [email protected]

Do check out the tutorial page too!

From 7661

Phone packed with awesomeness.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Windows Phone 7 – Removing Battery Indicator

Many a times, when we do a XNA game, we will want it to be full screen and hide the battery indicator. We will not want to show the battery indicator like this.

With Battery Indicator

With Battery Indicator

You can change it to remove the battery indicator by adding this line of code at the constructor where the game is initialized.
graphics.IsFullScreen = true;

Without Battery Indicator

Without Battery Indicator

You can download and view the sample here.
If you have any feedback, you can email me at [email protected]