Wushu, Google Results and Sports day

I went to Wu Fang ( Cairnhill ) on Thursday and today ( Saturday ) to train for the coming interschool. Basicially it was great when I am training there. Coach Xin Ru helped me to change a few of my moves and she keep asking me to change to contact lense and not to wear spectacles during wushu training. The way I wore it make me look like Lao Fu Zi (Old Master Q). Ren Zoe won 2 golds and 1 silver and I could see he is not really happy with his own result when he told me about it. He got Silver in his cudgel and he lost to Bryan, another Wu Fang students. He lost to Bryan by 0.03. I tried to encourage Ren Zoe already. We went to Paragon’s Taster Food Pte Ltd to celebrate their victory. I am not sure why I am there, I felt quite extra and there is only 6 people who went there. 3 coaches of Wu Fang, 1 assistant coach of Wu Fang, 1 Wu Fang admin and me. I feel quite extra there but anyway since I was there. I enjoy the food there. 13 more days to my competition. 1 year and 4 more months after this coming competiton and if I didn’t win, I know I will regret. Top 3 will be enough. 1st and 2nd will be better of course ( I got second last year ). I have to win for myself, for the school, for Wu Fang. All the best for Montfort Wushu Team and Wu Fang Wushu’s students.

I was just curious the other day, how I rank for different results and I did a search on Google Singapore ( I support Google as a SE by the way) website and I am very surprise to find out

Guo Hong – 8th results
Mr. Simen Lourds – 1st Result

I rank better on Google for my prinicpal’s name than my own name. Haha. Anyway I don’t object to that. My prinicpal is really a person whom I respect so he should be above me.

Our school had its 8th Inter-house Track & Field Meet 2007 meets on last Friday. We are honoured to have Brothers of St Gabriel from Asia in our meet as well. Despite many problems which occured that day like the rain, we really have had many fun that day. My house, blue house, won.