Celebrating 10,000 posts at IFSZ

Today on IFSZ, I have achieved my 10,000 total post count which is 0.30% of the forum’s total number of posts, not really a lot but it is a landmark nevertheless. I joined IFSZ on the 30-January 05 and have been contributing to Support and the Community since then but slowly I only focus on Support since I am not really a community-type person. I cannot really skin and do graphics at that time so I didn’t consider them in the first place. Before joining IFSZ, I have prior knowledge of HTML and this has certainly help me in my area. I am made Elite on the Sep 20 2005, 05:50 AM ( which is about 2 years ago ) and promoted to Invisionfree Support Staff of IFSZ on Dec 25 2005 ( 3 months after my promotion to Elite ). Since then, I have been contributing to the IFSZ ‘s Support. I have seen its growth since then. Additional of Modification Support, changes to the Skinning Assistance Area. A lot and a lot and slowly, we were tasked to “take care” of the Modification Database as well but we don’t really have to do anything. Being staffs at IFSZ had also made me learn how to make graphics and more advanced php technique.

catfriedrice had been my Manager at that point of time along with MasterG( Known as Meltdown now) and Ryan Fan (Known as Nitrogenix now). MasterG then later retired and soon -Metamorphosis (Known as Andrew now) is promoted to Support staff but things aren’t in the favour of the support staffs during this year. catfriedrice and Andrew both retired, one following another and we see a large decline in support after that. Luckily, Astheria had moved over from Skin Staff to Support Staff and helped us in one of our weakest area, Skinning Support. Due to the fact that my English is not as good as most staffs in the forum, I tend to stay away from the some sections and most of the time my English Language’s capability had made me not confident. If without catfriedrice and other support staffs who helped me along the way, I couldn’t have come so far. These are the guys who really take me through thick and thins.

In no order… ( I do not wish to post a shoutout as I do not see any meaning to it at this moment.)


Guo Hong